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jetBook Feasibility Questionnaire

Below are the standard questions and answers concerning JetBook features:

Why doesn't JetBook have a touch screen display?
Touch screen panels dramatically reduce the purity of an image. It blurs letters and puts stress on the eyes making them more tired faster. This is the main reason why we did not use a touch screen.

It seems that JetBook does not support some e-book formats, why is that?
We are working on additional e-book format support, but at the same time we have found that 90% of free sources (sources containing almost every needed book on Internet) use either TXT or DOC format. Should you need any assistance searching for an e-book in online, please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help you out. If you bought a JetBook, please register it so you can contact us anytime with questions. Or if you need a book, let us know and our team will search, find, and send the link to that book directly to you.

Why is there no backlight in JetBook?
We deliberately removed the backlight from JetBook's original specification after a lengthy consultation with ophthalmologists in the US. We were advised that if we wanted to make JetBook closer to a sense of a regular book, we should not use any backlight. Similar to a computer monitor, if you read by looking at a source of light your eyes get tired within 1-2 hours and you need a longer rest to recover. As for a regular paper book, we all read in reflected light where the eyes do not get tired (if you get tired just switch the font to a next, larger size and you may continue to enjoy your reading). This is the main reason why the backlight was not implemented. Next month we will offer you a clip on light that will allow reading under limited light conditions without getting your eyes strained. In the meantime, we recommend you to order JetBook right away as we are running out of stock very fast and some of our major components have a 3 month lead-time. We expect the supply interruption from the mid of April until the end of July.

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