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How does the Speech to Speech work? 2 Jerry 186923 04/07/2015 14:17:18
rafi952 [Latest Reply]
Partner LUX - Setting up the Wi-Fi connection. 8 Jerry 32574 12/26/2014 13:01:32
goodrayhan [Latest Reply]
SpeechGuard TLX - The most asked questions for any new SpeechGuard device. Find help here! 0 Jerry 27426 07/19/2013 16:32:25
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Partner LUX (multilingual) - Adding new language/ changing language using Micro SD cards. 0 Jerry 32105 01/16/2013 12:56:54
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Partner LUX - Changing the interface language to English or a foreign language. 0 Jerry 29629 01/02/2013 15:55:42
Jerry [Latest Reply]
So many products, what do all of these model numbers mean? Acronyms. 2 Jerry 63122 07/12/2011 10:08:44
Jerry [Latest Reply]
jetBook Mini FAQ. 0 Jerry 40338 12/09/2010 17:41:46
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Using the GPS on your Partner (P900) device. Troubleshooting. 0 Jerry 37704 12/03/2010 18:04:44
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Ultimate jetBook FAQ. All you need to know about all jetBook Models. 0 Jerry 39310 11/12/2010 14:17:39
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Changing language cards on my P900 or iTravl TL-6. 0 Jerry 37330 11/12/2010 12:30:19
Jerry [Latest Reply]
My C-Pen scanner is flickering or not working. What can i do? 0 Jerry 41799 11/11/2010 17:09:45
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Troubleshooting. Having difficulty with your device? Find quick help here! 0 Jerry 40031 10/29/2010 12:50:56
Jerry [Latest Reply]
I think i received the wrong model. It says P900, TL-6 or E500T. What can i do? 0 Jerry 36934 10/29/2010 12:01:27
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Why buy at www.ectaco.com? - 4 main reasons 0 alexi 40011 09/15/2006 08:30:21
alexi [Latest Reply]
TLX / C-pen 0 Uffe 24733 10/05/2014 02:23:17
Uffe [Latest Reply]
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