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NYC Department of Education Vendor# ECT040000
US CAGE - NATO Sup. Code 097N5
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Trade Up! Get Huge Discounts with an Ectaco Trade-in

Trade Up! Get Huge Discounts with an Ectaco Trade-in

Nov 14, 2008

It’s not often that you get a chance to trade in your worn out purchases. Sure, you can trade in your car but when it comes to personal computing, you are usually stuck with the choice you made several years ago and which has quickly gone out of date. Not so with Ectaco! Offering everyone the chance to trade in older or obsolete handheld devices, the company has started another revolution in customer service and satisfaction. What’s the catch, you may well ask? The good news is that there is none! Ectaco is prepared to take ANY electronic dictionary, made by ANY manufacturer, in almost ANY condition. Now that’s an offer that’s hard to refuse. So how does it work? It’s simple, really. The first thing, and probably the most difficult, is to decide which of the hundreds of desirable Ectaco models you can’t wait to get you hands on. Then, once you’ve made your choice, write the company at and let us know which new product you want to own, and which device you are offering in trade. Within a day or so, you’ll be given an expert quote that includes shipping costs and, if you agree with the offer, all that’s left for you to do is simply order the handheld dictionary/translator of your choice at You’ll get the new dictionary as soon as you pay for your order and, once the company receives your old device, they’ll mail you a check or give you a credit for the agreed amount. It couldn’t be simpler! So, with the holidays just around the corner, and not much money left to spend, why not let Ectaco help you do something nice for yourself? It won’t cost you much and it will put you in the holiday spirit faster than you could ever imagine.

Find out more about the Ectaco trade-in offer here.

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