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My first download from B&N opened in my JBL with no problems. Now the JBL is asking for an unlock code and unlock name. I presume my unlock code is my CC#. I tried my name as listed on my CC but no luck there. Also, Is there a way to enter letters? No matter what I do, when trying to enter my name all is see on the screen are numbers. Is there a special unlock name?
After many attempts I found that the Unlock Code is my CC# as I had read earlier on the form. The unlock name is not the CC# it is the spelling as on the B&N My Account. In case someone else has this problem.
05/18/2010 10:24:55
Joined: 05/18/2010 10:17:19
Messages: 1
That's good to know. I am about to buy some book from B&N. Thanks for sharing this.