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Forum Index » Partner LUX and Partner LUX 2 [XML]
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Do not know how to change languages 1 Dave Szeflin 175428 05/02/2014 03:42:23
borisk [Latest Reply]
Partner LUX 2 5 csbrown 40440 04/25/2014 11:54:26
Alex7 [Latest Reply]
lux 2 3 wizefather 9545 04/23/2014 10:53:15
rafi952 [Latest Reply]
Will Flashcard Integration be Added Soon? 4 Julie505 11621 04/23/2014 11:41:57
Julie505 [Latest Reply]
Text and voice translation 3 Miklor 9260 07/22/2013 12:33:53
Jerry [Latest Reply]
What about my order? 3 Customer 8893 06/21/2013 18:32:39
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Question on LUX English Lithuanian model 7 markcfrey 11506 06/13/2013 11:29:20
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Skype with Parther LUX 1 mft1027 8737 06/04/2013 12:37:53
Jerry [Latest Reply]
QuickPic. 0 Johnzob 8352 05/23/2013 10:10:36
Johnzob [Latest Reply]
Partner Lux Speech to Speech Translation only works with Internet connection??? 3 Rick 10557 03/12/2013 12:18:36
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Partner LUX Russian - Menues are Russian :-( 5 csbrown 17627 07/10/2012 16:41:28
Jerry [Latest Reply]
Forum Index » Partner LUX and Partner LUX 2
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